Monday, September 12, 2011

A Misfired Nerve

I twitch
and like a switch
I'm off again
scientific to the power of ten
I analyze
when it's not wise
An overwhelming wave
That tries to save
Me from Myself
But I'm still like items on a shelf
when I wish to fly like a wren
free and high
A cloud up in the sky
With magic like a witch
But I twitch

By Brandy Reeves 10/29/2009


If I said that stone was
Obsidian, would you think
how unusual? How Beautiful!
If I then said the stone was
Coal, would it then be coarse,
and ugly? What is beauty?
Water crystal clear or your
Preferred Drink
A dress smooth and colorful
Or perhaps a dappled muscled horse
What then is beauty
but a lie
Whatever hits your fancy
Gone in the blink of an eye.

By Brandy Reeves 7/31/2009


I wanted to return to that place,
where the sun shone brightly down,
where the sky was a box open and free,
where the hard gray bench was sure against my back,
where the quiet was alive and soothing,
where the world was sitll, a soft
Murmur in my heart; shutdown, enclosed,
alone, basking in the sun, eyes closed,
I want someone to hold me.

By Brandy Reeves 10/4/2007

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Defining Moment

Who am I?
Why am I so laconic?
Will I ever fill the layers of light
A moment
A space in the fabric of time
A Black hole gapes down in my gut
I realize
I sleep through life
I act on rote, not really there or here

Brandy Reeves